By Great
United Kingdom
Cavalier king charles spaniels. How many of you have or breed Cavaliers? I am trying to purchase one and also thinking about making the garden safe for my expected new family member. Cavaliers have very sensertive tummys and I am worried about the new pup eating plants in the garden. Any advise welcome
4 Sep, 2010
sorry im not trying to put you down tugbrethil honest as you know far more than me about plants for sure . ive found thow your right about toads dogs tend to realy have a little tiny taste and it puts them of before it normaly gets to normal . as for plants and your king charles great that sounds like rubbish about king charles normaly having a tricky tummy honestly.its just not like that . like people some of all types of dogs suffer from weak tummies . its not like inherant hip displacier or something like that . they do suffer or one in 4 has a skull to tight for there brain and suffer constant headackes but there tough and you wouldnt know .id definatly build a dog run as dogs and plants dont go together that well though you can let them in the garden when your in there maybe . i run my dogs on concrete and it keeps there nails right down so i dont ever need to cut them . i have a 12 year old springer and ive never cut his nails.i hope this has hhelped great take care bye for now .
ps contact the kennel club and they have lists of reputable breeders normaly though a few bad people slip through know doubt so keep your eyes open . see the parents etc .
5 Sep, 2010
Thanks Guys. I was told cavaliers have sensertive tummies as a rule of thumb!! Have a little bit of concrete nosey but want to have a fully family dog, able to go every where in the house and garden. I have read your mind and contacted the Kennel club and hopefully will get a puppy soon. I am worried though as I know Cavaliers have a lot of illness. Even if mum and dad have been screened for brain, heart problems etc how can I be sure?? Still miss Magic terribly as you know she died in April; but think its the right time to get another dog now. The house isn't the same without a four legged friends.
Thanks Tugbrethil I will contact a vet. I do know my foxgloves will be posionious to her
5 Sep, 2010
like i say when your there you can let her in the garden and teach her to behave .itw when they just need a wee or something you will need a dog run realy . its no harm to them at all .realy a lot of times dogs only want to stay in the garden because the owner is there . any other time they just want to do there busyness and come strate in . you just dont need that in your garden or it will ruin grass and plants etc . the thing is if you keep the dog on a healthy diet with plenty of walks and give it some apropriate love and guidance most dogs are generaly going to be healthy .my dogs eat the dry boring looking complete dog food that looks like a biscuit and thats it . i have 4 all sorts from a pug to a springer and they are fine and generaly healthy .pugs suffer with breathing and my sharpei there eyes thow hers are good . i have blogs on my dogs . i kept a st burnard for 12 years when they aparrently only live 8 years .i couldnt not have a dog run thow my garden would be ruined .anyway im glad i helped a little but still keep your eyes open when you buy your puppy ie see at least one parent and see how much the people seam to care about there puppies . also there is know reasen they wont have your pedigree papers so if theu havnt got them at 8 weeks walk away . take care bye for now xx .
5 Sep, 2010
No offense taken, Np! I know almost all dogs will take a taste, and leave it forever alone if it disagrees with them--my basenji certainly did! Unfortunately, I have also run into a few dogs that just don't know when to stop. Pups are more likely to do this than grownups, and some of the Spaniel breeds (I don't know about Cavaliers) are notoriously, umm, challenged.
I hope your new friend is sharp, Great, but even an average mutt is easy to train if you know what to look for. That's what I meant by "sorting" your yard: knowing what to watch for, and training the pup accordingly.
6 Sep, 2010
Thanks again guys. I have been talking to breeders but sadly they only seem to have boys! I 've always had bitches. Wouldnt know where to start training a dog to toilet train. Don't want him to cock his leg in my house. Wouldn't know how to handle a boy. i know there just as loving and often a little smaller. Guess my search continues
6 Sep, 2010
actualy great males are the ones that are a little bigger . how you stop them cocking there leg is to desex them at 6 months or as early as you can and they never get the leg cocking habit . there easier than bitches after that or at least the same .
7 Sep, 2010
i had one 4 fourteen years ,never had a prob with food, eat anything u gv her . the most loual dogs ,i miss mine very much. but we have rosie now .dont need a lot of walking and will sit on your knee 4 evr. do u know they are royal dogs ,there is a long forgotten law that says no 1 can refuse u entry to anywhere, by royal decree law made by king charles the 1st. the law has never bin changed .
7 Sep, 2010
Hi christina im having a lot of computer problems. I cant seem to find a girl Cavalier KCS any where. Been onto the kennel club and there saying all the dogs in my area have all boys. We've always had girls. Can you tell me what size dog crate I need to buy to help with toilet training. I have everything but my puppy.
The law you are talking about is hear say it doesnt stand up from what i have been reading
We finallyburied Magic ashes. She was kept in the living room for 1 month and then my girls had her sittting in their bedroom for another 3 months we couldnt bear to be parted from her. But on sunday when the sun was shining we finally laid her to rest under her bush. It felt like the right time. I know you understand how I feel.
8 Sep, 2010
My Keru died almost 30 years ago, but I still dream about him occasionally. I don't understand those who think of dogs as mere posessions. My condolences, Great.
8 Sep, 2010
Thank you Tugbrethil, Magic died on the 8th April and Iam still crying and wishing she was here with me. The house hasent been the same since she died, hence the reason I want a puppy But even a puppy will NEVER be able to replace magic.
8 Sep, 2010
i totally agree great , i too am still up set , my pup is quiet diffrent to my chorllotte ,charly girl 4 short. i miss her so much it hurts . can never bury her hun , even tho she has her little garden . shes staying in the house . we never had a cage 4 charlie ,and no probs , she was so gud .went every were with me in a carry basket lol. and slept with us from a few months old lol. not sure on law is wotthe breeder told us and there was once a program on bt them . they were bred to keep ladies warm , up there skirts lol and king charles fav dogs. it prob does still egcist but its a very old law. the same aplys to horses. they have right of way on highways, but u woudent go on a moterway with them lol .......... any nice to c u getting a new baby ,u will have loads of fun with her ,gud luck . they really are the best !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there is a pic of mine somewere on here . wot color u going 4 . mine was and yes i really do know how u feel . love chris.
8 Sep, 2010
i would never try and REPLACE a dog as such because its impossible and you will always compare them if you try to replace them . just because they look the same doesnt mean they act the same .theres a law that hasnt been changed that sais hackney carridges have to have a bail of hay in the back . laws are easier to just not inforce than they are to change .
9 Sep, 2010
to right nosey u are correct x
9 Sep, 2010
Nosey I quite agree I could never, wouldnt want to replace Magic she was part of my life for 14 years. She was a german sherperd; thats why I have gone for a completely different kind of a dog. Dont want a guard dog this time just a loyal companion
9 Sep, 2010
great its quite funny dont u think lol. i used to have a king charles ,and now have a x shepard and you used 2 have a shepherd and now you getting a KING charles xx
9 Sep, 2010
i think you and I are very alike Christina. Still searching for a puppy. There is such a difference in price. Can't believe how much people are selling there puppies for
10 Sep, 2010
i know hun where do they think we get the mony. i got mine from a frend but shes not doing it anymore. had her 14 years. a lot only live to bt 7. so look carefully.x
10 Sep, 2010
if you realy want to save a dog you would do best to rescue one realy . i agree about changing breeds . i like so many breeds i change dogs all the time when i lose one .ive got 4 dogs at the moment from a staffy x to a pug . all you want a dog to realy do is bark realy so even my little one eyed pug is a good gaurd dog . i hate being in a house without a dog . when i lose a dog i get another one fairly strate away as it can give you something else to focus on . i think before you buy a dog youve got to understand they dont live as long as us .why a king charles just out of interest great ?
12 Sep, 2010
cavalier, because I want a lap dog nosey. Want a companion dog. The kids all went abroad recently and the house was so quiet, i couldnt stand it. Want a small dog, a soppy dog, one that won't scare anyone lol. I want puppy to train her. Plus my daughters hearing is getting worse so need it to be a hearing dog for her as well. Checked the resuce centres no cavaliers. How are your dogs nosey?
12 Sep, 2010
there great thank you great lol. my pug would be spot on for what you want and he barks at noises which is good for a hearing dog . hes realy friendly and has to small a mouth to seriously hurt anyone if he wanted to . i should think quite a few dogs would suite your criteria but im guessing you obviously realy like king charles to look at . pugs are also emperers or kings dogs as such . the same as shitzu and lasser apsos excuse my spelling . these are very old breeds bred especialy to be lap dogs . it doesnt realy matter i guess im sure you will love what ever you get .i like all dogs realy . i just like the look of some breeds more than others .
12 Sep, 2010
hi have you got your pup yet !!!!! x
3 Nov, 2010
yes did you get a pup yet ?
3 Nov, 2010
yooooo hooooo are you there great !!!!
3 Nov, 2010
i guess not cristina lol x .
4 Nov, 2010
shall we both SHOUT nosey lol WAKE UP GREAT R YOU THERE !!!!
4 Nov, 2010
4 Nov, 2010
;oO o dear !!! where is she .................
5 Nov, 2010
looking for a puppy still lol cristina x .
5 Nov, 2010
we are missing her on here arnt we nosy ....;~(
6 Nov, 2010
for sure
6 Nov, 2010
Hi guys no I havent found my new baby yet. boo hoo. Havent been on here much lately, I had a death in the family. Glad you 2 missed me hthough xx
11 Nov, 2010
ow bless im sorry if theres any way i can help with your new puppy hunt dont hesitate to ask . have you tried epupz thats quite good . take care and again sorry for your loss . take care bye for now great x .
11 Nov, 2010
Thanks Nosey. trying to get either a cavalier or a yorkie. The only trouble is most are too expensive or too far away!!! Ive seen some puppies in a pet shop that is registered and is next to a vets but not sure if I should buy one from there
12 Nov, 2010
never buy from a pet shop or a puppy farm great it just premotes these kind of places . most pedegrees have a rescue sight that you can find out on the net or at the vets . maybe you should consider a mongral puppy as they are more needy and healthier as a rule x .
13 Nov, 2010
Hi everyone when I came home from work yesterday there was a 8 and a half week old yorkshire terrier puppy sitting in my kitchen!!!! How happy am I ?- Over the moon!! Her name is Mischa and she is so very tiny and cute.
2 of my girls had gone all the way to kent to get her from a registered breeder. She had an excellent first night in her new home. no barking or whinning I still can't believe she was so good hope her 2nd night here will be the same fingers crossed. Pictures coming soon having probs with my camera going to get my girls to download some for me.
17 Nov, 2010
brilliant im realy pleased for you great its GREAT news lol xx .
18 Nov, 2010
Im rather chuffed myself Leigh. Shes going to the vets tomorrow for her 2nd injection. So will need to walk around the garden this weekend and cover the pond and put a bit of a fence up around some plants that may harm her tummy if she's silly enough to eat them!
18 Nov, 2010
im happy for you . id be more inclined to introduce her to the pond while your there rather than cover it as that has its own dangers either to the dog or the fish . once bitten twice shy or put a little fence round the pond if your realy worried. im sure you will enjoy her good luck bye for now x .
19 Nov, 2010
Previous question
« where can i buy the seeds i had a parrot plant many years ago
I'd ask my vet to give me a list of poisonous plants, and start sorting my garden now. Also, always keep an eye on the pup when he/she is near the pond, since frogs or toads can be very toxic to dogs!
4 Sep, 2010