By Darren8
United Kingdom
Second try with Sea Holly Failing...
I tried Miss Wilmott's Ghost & it failed completely. I'd really like to grow it so I tried again with another type. East facing spot against a wooden fence, sun till midday, soil slightly dry & a little sandy because of nearby bush.
I got two bunches of green leaves that looked promising earlier in the year from three tubers but since then, every time I check, the stalks are just flopping.
I've dug them up & put them in pots with grit around the roots.
How the heck do I get them settled in the garden so I can plant other colours around them?
24 May, 2019
don't forget some of the species including miss willmot's ghost are biennials and wont flower until their second year and then they die.
I would plant them in full sun and then leave them alone. if you keep digging them up they will never get a decent tap root established. Water slightly away from the roots to encourage them to explore into the surrounding soil. this may take up to 2-3 weeks for them to settle.
25 May, 2019
Bit of a mystery then really? They should like it there...
Maybe I've been sold a pup! The young leaves look nothing like holly or thistle.
Maybe I planted them badly. I'll make up a gritty compost mix & put them in 8 inch pots in the sunniest spot on the warm paved area, give them a chance to bulk up
25 May, 2019
Hi Darren, Eryngiums are divided into 2 groups, according to their cultural needs, group 1 species need a dry, well drained, poor to moderately fertile soil, in full sun, and protection from winter wet.
Group 2 species grow in moist, well drained, fertile soil, in full sun.
E gigantium, [miss wilmott's ghost], is a group 1, and is not always a biennial, but a tap rooted short lived perennial, usually grown as a biennial, as the flowering reduces quite a lot in the third year, Derek.
25 May, 2019
Thanks Derek. I'm sure I've got the packaging somewhere
25 May, 2019
Sea Holly is a drought tolerant plant that likes full sun, lean, sandy soil. They have a long tap root that likes to probe down for water. Here is a website that describes the care they need.
25 May, 2019