By Queenie
United Kingdom
I have a yen to grow artichokes next year... can anyone give some advice and when do I start... is it seed I need? how much room will they require and will they be eatable?
4 Sep, 2010
Thanks so much Scotsgran... all the info I needed to get me started.. but wow! they take a lot of space. Great website too..
5 Sep, 2010
Glad to help Queenie. My avatar is an artichoke flower. Way past the eating stage of course. In fact I do not recall seeing a warning to cut off the flowers the first year. You do not need to have them in the veg garden they are statuesque enough to earn a place in the herbaceous border. I cut the flowers when they were still closed thinking they would look nice in flower arrangements. I hung them heads down inside a paper bag and wow did I get a surprise when I looked to see how they were doing. I think I have a vase of them on my photos page.
5 Sep, 2010
Yes, looked at your photos and found them (119) - spectacular! now even more enthused to grow some next year. They look so much like proteas, from SA my sister used to love them especially, and they remind me of her - so I shall dry some. Thanks again
5 Sep, 2010
i grew mine from seed very easy .cut them down in late autumn. protect crowns in winter. slugs like them. if u leave them to flower ,big thistle like purple heads look stunning in flower beds they are perennial
7 Sep, 2010
Thanks Cristina, off to buy my seeds!
8 Sep, 2010
nice one hun x
10 Sep, 2010
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They grow very easily from seed. Look at the link
It tells you how to grow them and how to harvest them.
4 Sep, 2010