By Jeanyjones
United Kingdom
Please could someone help me save a Kalmia"Pinwheel", i planted it about three months ago along with an Azalea, a Pieris and a few other plants.They are all doing well so was the Kalmia, it flowered and has good new growth but now from the bottom up the leaves are turning yellow and covered with brown spots the stems have also gone dark brown. Has anyone any idea's? Thank you.
On plant
4 Sep, 2010
This could be old leaf drop. The shoots have a thick greenish-yellow cuticle that gradually over time becomes brown and turns into the first proper layer of bark. I suspect this is what is happening so nothing to really worry about.
5 Sep, 2010
Macpat and Fractal thank you both very much for taking the time to answer.
What an excellent and friendly site this is.
5 Sep, 2010
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Hi there!
I used to grow Kalmia Latifolia when I lived in the Lake District. I don't know a lot about them except that they need sun or semi-shade and moist peaty acid soil. I hope this is of some help to you as your soil conditions may have something to do with the condition of the shrub.
5 Sep, 2010