By Thefaz
United Kingdom
Tricky one this but can anyone recommend a fast growing medium sized shrub that will grow in dry shade
27 May, 2019
Could you not give any more details?
27 May, 2019
I have a weigela in quite deep and dry shade and does well. though the books don't suggest it for this spot. there is a nice variegated one too.
what type of soil do you have ? is it neutral/acidic or alkaline?
28 May, 2019
Have you ever looked at 'Bottlebrush Buckeye'? I know it's a weird name but it's a stately shrub about 12 feet with unique summer flowers and loves dry shade. It's lovely even when not in bloom. Maybe also Oaklieaf Hydrangea would work as well.
28 May, 2019
Darren - what do you want to know? It will grow slowly to a good five or six feet tall and across. It has large showy yellow flowers in the second part of summer. Its tough and as far as I know has no enemies.
29 May, 2019
Thank you all for your suggestions, I will look into them.
My soil type is mostly clay so tends to be more alkaline.
I am not too fussed about what the plant looks like or when it flowers, I just need to fill some space as quickly as possible.
6-8 feet would be a perfect height.
30 May, 2019
You could try Physocarpus. There is a deep red version or one that has lime green leaves in spring Both have clusters of small white flowers. I have both in my garden which is clay and they are doing well. I think the max height is about 5ft.
30 May, 2019
A good choice would be Hypericum hidcote, this will do well in most situations, clients have this in shade situations that are quite dry, this will give you lots of yellow flowers over a long period, it will grow quite large if you want it to, it responds well to trimming and by doing so you can make the shrub more compact, once established this shrub if it gets rather large can be cut hard back, to get it started in dry shade water it well.
27 May, 2019