By Hank
United Kingdom
I just sent a question but it hasn’t appeared. Sending again.
My cousin thinks the “seed setter” below is great. It’s about £10 inc postage. Has anyone tried one .?.

27 May, 2019
I agree with above, more clutter. I like having my hands in the dirt but that's just me. God gave me two hands and that's what I use. lol.
27 May, 2019
How do I set tiny seeds when I can hardly see them ? I tried to set some basil the other day but managed to set them all in a clump. I haven’t tried mixing them with fine sand yet but my cousin swears by that “trowel”.
27 May, 2019
if you can borrow it from your cousin see how you get on with it. then you will know if it is worth the £10. as I suggested mix the seed with fine sand and then sprinkle.
I don't remember basil being that small but size is relative.
27 May, 2019
Will be mixing tomorrow - weather permitting. Thanks.
27 May, 2019
Some seeds are like dust. I sprinkle them exactly as you would a pinch of salt.
27 May, 2019
In fact maybe putting the tiny seeds in a salt shaker with a little sand might work better at distribution. Just a thought.
28 May, 2019
I watched a friend use a thing for seeds. It took more time to set it up than it did to just use your fingers or carefully tap it out of the packet.
28 May, 2019
Hi Hank, looks like a ''gimmick'' to me, what's wrong with your hands ?, Derek.
27 May, 2019