By Charnwood
Good evening all, I've got lots of lovely foliage on my Lupins and Agapanthas however only one flower stem on the one of the Lupins, have I done something wrong they have been fed and the Lupins kept mostly aphid free, thanks for any advice.
31 May, 2019
you fed them! the lupins thrive on poorer soils. if you feed them they put on lots of foliage. stop feeding them and you should get flowers later n the season. remove the spent flowers before they make seed to encourage more flowers.
my agapanthus are no where near ready to flower with foliage only about 6" tall. So just be patient. :o)
1 Jun, 2019
Might be how much sun they're getting or local temperatures but you can't be much different, weatherwise, than me in Manchester?
May just be a case of waiting...
If it's any reassurance one of mine seems to be blind this year too. Only other thing I can think of is earlier bug damage to the flowering tips before we noticed it happening.
1 Jun, 2019