By Arbuthnot
United Kingdom
Agapanthus not flowering
Last year I bought and sunk two pots of agapanthus in the flower beds. One died and the other wasn’t looking well so I took it out and repotted it. Now it has loads of leaves but no buds or flowers. What’s wrong? I must add that I have never been able to grow them so I’m obviously doing something wrong.
2 Jun, 2019
Thank you SBG. I did wonder if it was too early for blooms. Hopefully I will get some later on.
3 Jun, 2019
Only some of mine, in a warmer climate, have put up flower stalks; while others are still only leaves. It really depends on the types you have (evergreen vs deciduous).
3 Jun, 2019
Guess what? I looked at the agapanthus yesterday and it's got several flower buds! Great, that means I haven't done anything wrong.
Thanks for the input anyway.
6 Jun, 2019
It's at the first sign of buds that I start feeding mine on tomato feed. Not too much though.
6 Jun, 2019
Good idea, Sophie, I shall do just that but right now it’s raining and has been for several hours. More good news.
7 Jun, 2019
Previous question
I think it is probably a bit early for flowers. mine don't until late July. if they are producing leaves then it seems healthy.dont over feed as that will encourage more leaves and fewer flowers.
2 Jun, 2019