Weather today
By Scotkat
How is everyones weather?
Started off early sunshine promosing of a really nice day,but by late morning clouds appeared looking like yes that wet stuff called rain.
But arrived by 2pm and never stopped just got heavy and still raining.
18 Aug, 2008
Same down here in the SW. I managed to take Henry out without getting wet for a change, but it's been windy, cloudy and drizzly all day.I can't believe I'm having to sweep up vine leaves already!
18 Aug, 2008
I had to go out this afternoon and wondered what month it was. It's more like the end of October. There were leaves falling everywhere and heavy rain and dark clouds. More like a winter's night than a summer's afternoon ! Also I cant remember such high winds for so long a time.
18 Aug, 2008
Its just tipping it down heavy heavy rain here now.We can say all is looking lush and very very green.
19 Aug, 2008
here in the sunny south lol, it is very windy so when it rains , it comes in sideways!!
just heard on the radio we are going to have a good bank holiday weekend, this i gotta see!!!
19 Aug, 2008
This August in East Anglia the weather hasn't stayed the same for more than about 10 minutes !
Each day it alternates all the time : rain, sun, rain, sun, rain
The one constant is wind.
I've never experienced such a windy summer.
I had intended to empty my sheds this year and sort out the contents. But you need a run of at least a few guaranteed dry days to do this, and it just hasn't happened.
Lots of plants are puzzled by the strange weather we've had. Just like us, they've lost track of what season it is !
18 Aug, 2008