West Sussex,
United Kingdom
Sambucus Nigra.
I know I can cut this right down in winter but I just want to hard prune it now to stop the leaves falling into the pond later on. I only pruned it lightly last year. This year's berries have all shrivelled up in the dry weather.Is it likely to kill it if I hard prune it now? It's over 10' tall.
18 Jul, 2019
I’ve done what Bamboo has suggested. I cut off any branches that are spreading too quickly or getting in the way. Like she ways, it’s a hardy beast. It’s part of the elder family so grows quickly. I love it.
18 Jul, 2019
Isn't it true that f you prune now there is still time for it to grow some flowering shoots for next year but a hard prune in winter will result in no flowers? -
But it doesn't matter if you aren't worried about it flowering.
18 Jul, 2019
I think that's right Stera. I quite often chop bits off mine at this time because they can get really heavy. As Bamboo says....:)
18 Jul, 2019
I prune my sambucus nigra hard every spring, but it still carries a few flowers
18 Jul, 2019
Well I do love the flowers but I'm not bothered about the berries. However, this year I need to take drastic action so I might have to sacrifice flowers for next year.
Thanks all, for your help.
19 Jul, 2019
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No, it wont kill it, its a hardy old beast. I usually found it was necessary to cut it back a fair bit around this time of year because its such a rapid grower and tries to take over, so take off whatever's in the way or out of control, though I'm not sure I'd hard prune the way one does in winter.... just enough so it still looks vaguely attractive, and take some more when the leaves change colour and start falling in autumn.
18 Jul, 2019