By Steragram
United Kingdom
Interesting question
I have an obelisk of morning glory flowers right next to a row of sweet potatoes( don't ask...there were a few plants left over) The flowers on each are identical in form and colour and the habit is almost the same except that the sweet potato stems are prostrate and the morning glory stems twine. So I was wondering if the Morning glory would have tubers and if so would they be edible??? Time will tell of course just just wondered if anyone has any ideas?
13 Aug, 2019
if its the annual morning glory it doesn't have a tuber. though as said it has a hallucinogenic property. it is a chemical which is a precursor of lsd.
both plants are in the same family; Convolvulaceae hence the similar flower shape etc.
13 Aug, 2019
Did you send away for the sweet potato tubers? I tried to grow some from the supermarket - failure!
13 Aug, 2019
Darren I wasn't thinking of eating the seeds - having in the past resisted a hallucinogenic cactus and some nice fly Agarics I think I can restrain myself this time...
Thank you Sbg- no relation to the ordinary potato then. Still, the flowers are very pretty.
Cammomile yes I did send off for the tubers - I think they were from Suttons. You have to put black plastic down several weeks before planting t warm the soil up, and use a tunnel over the plants, which need a temperature of 70 degrees - so I chose a good year to try! I did remove the tunnel during the last week or two of the hot spell but have replaced it now.I have tried before but got nowhere - now know I put them in too late and the temp was too low. Even now I believe harvest is not until October, and then if you get any tubers they have to be seasoned before eating. Don't think I will try again but its an interesting experiment.
13 Aug, 2019
Sorry, I expressed it badly. If some parts are noxious risking eating any bits might be a bad idea!
Just stick with the toad licking if I were you 😊
13 Aug, 2019
I only want to grow one in a pot as they have beautiful trailing leaves!
14 Aug, 2019
C you'll need a lot of space - Their stems are several feet long and don't twine. The flowers are beautiful though, a lovely rich purple. They need a temp of 70 degrees to be happy. I have grown them unprotected outside once but they didn't produce either flowers or tubers.
Darren thanks for the clarification - its the sweet potatoes I'm hoping to eat, not the morning glories - it was just the flower shape and colour and the long stems that just make me wonder if there might be tubers too- ( no botanical reason why there should be but wouldn't have tried eating them if there were any without reassurance !) But its interesting to know that they are toxic.
14 Aug, 2019
Morning glory seeds are known to be hallucinogenic if I remember rightly so in larger amounts they'd be fairly toxic
13 Aug, 2019