By Sheilabub
United Kingdom
Tree Aid - does anyone grow trees for this Bristol-based charity? I would like to know more it.
14 Aug, 2019
Yes I did Google it Eileen but didn’t find a link for donating tree seedlings.
14 Aug, 2019
If you find out please will you let us know on here?
14 Aug, 2019
I suspect you donate money that is then used in the African countries to buy trees like mangoes. or you can volunteer to work out there where the trees will grow. that's what I 'get' from having a quick read.
one of my friends funds a school in Gambia and every year I donate money that is then transferred to the school's head. So far I have 'bought' 3 mango trees and enough onion seeds to feed 50 children every day for 2 years. I was sent photos of them growing and the children get lessons on how to grow food for themselves.
14 Aug, 2019
I heard about someone selling her saplings and cuttings to the Centre for Alternative Technology in Wales. But for those of us further away Seaburngirl’s idea sounds good.
14 Aug, 2019
Sorry not heard of it. have you googles it?
14 Aug, 2019