West Sussex,
United Kingdom
Salvia Hotlips.
When and how should I prune this, please? It is in its second year and although it has had a lot of bloom and is still in bloom now, it has become very spread out and straggly.I would like to tidy it up for next year.
20 Aug, 2019
Agree, don't be shy about cutting them. They can handle a harsh pruning and will often rebloom. If I just get tired of looking at it, out it comes roots and all. No regrets.
20 Aug, 2019
Thank you both. Should I do it as soon as flowering is over, say, September? I like the idea of growing some new ones to sell at our Horticultural Society plant sale in May for their funds, so should I tae the cuttings now?
By the way SBG, the yellow foxglove you gave me last year bloomed well and came up again this year with a larger spike but cream rather than yellow.It's been lovely, thanks.
20 Aug, 2019
that's good re the foxglove.
i'd do the salvia now so any new growth can harden off before the frosts.
20 Aug, 2019
Previous question
in the past with similar salvias I have just trimmed it back with shears/secateurs, to the height I want. then any none flowering stems are put into compost to form roots and new plants. these are kept frost free and planted out next spring.
20 Aug, 2019