By Jimmytheone
United Kingdom
It wasn't until recently that I came across Epimediums and couldn't get over how many varieties there are and they looked like orchids. Yes, I could go online and look for information from the professionals. Having said, I thought I would ask the real gardeners, the 'experienced' members instead. So, do any of you grow them, what are your favourites, under what conditions do you grow them and which ones are the easiest to grow? Your comments and advice will be appreciated.
2 Sep, 2019
Not found one I don't like. Not found one which will not grow. They are great for dry shade(mostly though there are some which prefer a sunnier damper situation).
Have a look at for a very comprehensive list.
The book is very useful.
3 Sep, 2019
I have a wonderful yellow one (may be the same as Seaburngirl's) Shiny green leaves which you can cut off in late winter to make room for a fresh lot, which are bronze patterned with red. You need to do this so you can see the flowers which otherwise are shaded by the old ones. Will grow and spread well in moderate to fairly deep shade with just an hour or so of sun per day. Also have a much less showy one called something Neige, equally unfussy but doesn't spread as much in this garden.. Recommend you research the flowers before deciding!
Attractive all year round, and don't seem fussy. What's not to like?
3 Sep, 2019
Many thanks for your suggestions. I will give it some thought during the winter.
4 Sep, 2019
I'm one of the few people who aren't impressed with Epimediums. Mine have so many leaves that the flowers don't stand out. It's planted behind the shed in a shady area but just spreads and gets more leafy.
8 Sep, 2019
I love them they are excellent for light to medium deep shade.
I have several that are evergreen as well as deciduous ones. they have a range of leaf forms and newly emergent leaves are often bronze in colour.
Flower colour can be white, pink, soft to strong yellow and orange well they are the ones I grow.
look on my garden plant list to see the ones I have.
I particularly like E perralderianum as it is evergreen, good spring colour and the flowers are a strong yellow and grows well in deep dry shade under the beech tree.
The others are in slightly moister soil in mid shade from a beech hedge and other shrubs.I also like E ilicifolium [holly leaved form] with a soft primrose yellow flower. Amber queen is a good soft orange/amber colour and artic wings is a pure white.
I was slow to come to them but having a shady garden made it essential.
2 Sep, 2019