By Hank
United Kingdom
Sorry, toms again.
Earlier this year a friend ( a beginner ) had too many tomato plants ( Shirley ) and gave me 2. The compost in 1 is 5 1/2 inches deep and 6 1/2 in the other. Both grew over 7 ft tall and had 7 trusses on them with plenty of toms.
They were better than mine, which had my usual 11 inch pots.
I wouldn’t recommend them as at the point where the tom joins the plant there’s a hard bit which needs cutting out every time. Should I use perhaps smaller pots next year ?

11 Sep, 2019
There wouldn't be any benefits in growing them in small pots; better flavour, etc. would be mostly down to type. Growing in undersized pots just adds risks in terms of leaves wilting & becoming susceptible to diseases
11 Sep, 2019
Thanks guys, might give Shirley another chance next year.
And I’ll stick to my usual pots.
12 Sep, 2019
I regularly grow Shirley in my greenhouse and find them one of the best varieties. I always get a good crop and they have a good resistance to the usual viruses. I grow them in the ground but if you continue to grow them in pots, then the bigger the better (as SBG says). They need less watering and feeding. Having said, they are a greenhouse variety but this year I grew one in the border and was very pleased this the result.
12 Sep, 2019
Nuff said guys thanks - I’m convinced and will definitely be growing them again next year.
13 Sep, 2019
I'm really enjoying my crop of Ildi. They're worth a go in containers outdoors. Quite compact plants with tasty, fleshy, yellow fruit.
Definitely go for them next year...
14 Sep, 2019
Never heard of Lidi (Ildi ? ) but it’s about time I grew some yellow toms.
14 Sep, 2019
ildi ☺ I got the seed in Wilko's
14 Sep, 2019
Thanks D, we have a Wilko a couple of miles away.
15 Sep, 2019
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I would certainly grow Shirley again but use bigger pots. they are an old variety with good flavour [my taste buds think so anyway] I find many varieties have that hard bit but worth the extra seconds or so for the flavour even the ones from the supermarket.
11 Sep, 2019