West Sussex,
United Kingdom
Scilla Peruviana, Any tips?
I have 3 of these in a large pot but they have never done very well. This year there was just one skinny bloom.They were good, large bulbs and I planted them 3 years ago. Can I do anything to improve them or should I ditch them and start again?
16 Sep, 2019
I must admit I have rather neglected them. They have been fed very occasionally. Also the growth is very thick and I battle with snails amongst it. I was thinking of repotting and giving them another chance. Can you advise re compost and feeding (what with) please and also position? The only position I could have them in the ground would be north facing so I thought a pot would be a better option. Thank you.
16 Sep, 2019
a john innes type no3, I mix in slow release fertilizer granules in most of my plants grown in pots. then after flowering I'd possibly give them a foliar feed. I have them in full sun in my garden. hope this helps.
16 Sep, 2019
Yes, thank you. Very helpful. I'll repot and find a sunny position.
16 Sep, 2019
Since they are native to Portugal & Iberia, they grow really well here and thrive on neglect. They naturally grow during the winter and enjoy a dry summer. Mine should be showing signs of new leaves soon. How big is the pot you have them in? They have very large, fleshy roots and need well draining soil, plus full sun. Also, do you let them dry out during the summer? This is one of the bulbs that needs a dry period during the summer.
16 Sep, 2019
Thanks for the extra info Wylie. The pot is 14" diameter and 14"tall. I have looked out a larger pot ready to transplant them. I'm hoping for better results next year.
16 Sep, 2019
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do you feed them at all? I have mine in the ground and they flower well every year. they also stay more moist as they are less likely to get dry.
16 Sep, 2019