By Cottagekaren
United Kingdom
Has Lawn Weed Killer been withdrawn now? I couldn't find any in any of the autumn lawn treatments today...Moss Killer is still there, but no weed control. This would be bad news for me here. My lawn is getting invaded by creeping buttercup. :(
1 Oct, 2019
Thanks Bamboo. That makes sense. I’ll get some weedol for the spring and dig some out by hand for now. :) you’re riight....they never work well anyway come to think of it!
2 Oct, 2019
I was panicking a bit. Because if/when they ban lawn weedkiller it will mean the end of lawns, and that would be a disaster for me! Not because I adore lawn. But because I’d have to dig it all up!!
2 Oct, 2019
So far as I'm aware, there are no plans to withdraw all lawn weedkillers, so don't worry too much. Even if they were all withdrawn, we could still go back to the old ways, where physical labour was required to keep the lawn in good nick... ie digging out troublesome weeds and reseeding, along with proper lawn maintenance. Either that or have a very relaxed view as to what constitutes a lawn!
2 Oct, 2019
Yes, that’s true. I actually weedkilled (with a spray) the worst of it today and tbh...I was making a mountain. Its not that bad. Thanks Bamboo :)
2 Oct, 2019
Is it going to be another one of those things you can only buy as a business or corporation? Surely parks and gardens, let alone golf courses need to weed kill on their grass.
2 Oct, 2019
We have Green Thumb lawn treatment every quarter. Not sure what they use, but it works. Saying that, I have such a small lawn. I imagine we’re all different in our lawn presentation. I like an ornamental style, others will prefer the wild look.
6 Oct, 2019
If you mean the granular autumn lawn treatments, they may contain mosskiller, do contain some slow release feed, but don't normally have weed killer - weeds are much less likely to be affected by weedkiller from autumn through to early spring, they need to be growing fairly strongly. The weedkiller content also 'checks' lawn growth, and that's not something you want in autumn - you want it to be strong for the start of winter.
Combined lawn weedkiller/feed/mosskiller is still available for use during spring and summer, just not in the autumn formulations, but to be honest, those granular lawn treatments which contain weedkiller aren't very effective on pernicious lawn weeds anyway - best to apply Weedol Lawn Weedkilller Concentrate (previously Verdone 2) either by sprayer or watering can in mid to late spring, with a separate lawn feed/mosskiller.
1 Oct, 2019