By Joanairey
United Kingdom
Hi All! Has anyone tried growing garlic from seed? I mean seeds not cloves. By mistake I ordered what I thought were cloves and they are tiny black seeds. I didn't have much luck with onion seeds a while back and now only get onion sets. It strikes me that garlic seed might also be a bit of a hit and miss. I have not found any useful articles on garlic seeds. They refer to seeds and then start talking about cloves. I would imagine they take ages to grow? I favour container growing so thought I might try a few in a pot. Any suggestions would be welcome as usual.
9 Oct, 2019
Hi, sow the seed of Allium sativum in spring, sow in pots or containers, and grow them in a cold frame, you can also sow the seed as soon as it's ripe, but a bit late for that now, they're totally hardy, so don't let them go soft, by putting them somewhere too warm, Derek.
9 Oct, 2019
Thanks, both of you. I didn't know about them either, seaburngirl but you learn something new every day! I will do as you suggest, Derekm and plant a few in spring in pots and see what, if anything, comes up!
12 Oct, 2019
I was under the illusion that they didn't produce viable seed. but clearly not. cant remember who told me that.
9 Oct, 2019