By Daveymad
United Kingdom
Has anybody been suffering with blanket weed in their pond and how have you got it under control, thanks in advance
20 Oct, 2019
Yup, that's what I do. But if you get a good balance of oxygenating plants its less likely to get rampant.
20 Oct, 2019
after we had to strip the pond down and redo it we had a problem in the first year. we used a cane to twirl it like candyfloss [very soggy as Bulbaholic said]. Once the lilies and other pond plants got into their stride [reducing the nutrient conent] it became less of a problem and this year we had hardly any and then only in early spring.
20 Oct, 2019
This is encouraging as I still have loads in spite of Steragram sending me some oxygenating plants. I have also had problems sourcing pondplants locally. I suppose spring would be the best time to buy a waterlily?
20 Oct, 2019
We do similarly to Bulbaholic, but use a bamboo cane. Works well.
20 Oct, 2019
You can buy small packs of barley straw at Garden Centres (or on EBAY). After a month in the water, these release a chemical that inhibits the growth of blanket weed for six months. Which reminds me, I must change the mats in my pond
20 Oct, 2019
Pennyfarthing, you may be able to pick up a waterlily now more cheaply than if you wait for spring. Just make sure you get one that grows at a suitable depth for your pond and the size you want. then just let it settle to the bottom of your pond and leave it. come next spring you will get new leaves.
21 Oct, 2019
One of my clients has a large pond and blanket weed has been a big problem in years gone by, however last year and this year we have controlled it by sprinkling this powder over the surface of the pond, I can not think of the name of it, but he got it off amazon, this is used at the start of the summer and is absolutely fantastic and the pond is crystal clear and does not affect the pond life, the pond is teaming with newts etc, in the past I have used some long pyracantha stems tied to a long cane, works a treat.
21 Oct, 2019
Have just been out with a bamboo cane and it worked a treat, I will treat the pond later and get some more covering plants but once again thanks for all your advice
22 Oct, 2019
Use a garden cane or border fork, get some of the weed attached to the end of it then rotate the implement to make a green, soggy version of candy floss.
20 Oct, 2019