By Rachelbenson
United Kingdom
as I am relatively new to the veg garden and sadly bereaved of my husband, can you give advice on a small veggie garden, just to 'get me going' ... would maybe like to attempt some winter veg, ie. brussells, maybe carrots, calibrese or the like would welcome your comments thanking you in anticipation
7 Sep, 2010
thankyou for your prompt reply and also your condolensce, much appreciated
7 Sep, 2010
Sorry to hear of your loss. An article by Bunny Guiness suggested planting; broad beans/ asparagus/peas and pea shoots/ garlic/ onions, spring and shallots/ lambs lettuce/ Spinach/ Sugar snap peas/ and spring cabbage. That would keep you busy, and a lot of it is good for, you and can be eaten as young leaves.
7 Sep, 2010
Hallo Rachel - welcome to GOY from another Somerset dweller!
I'm sorry to hear about your loss, too. Please stick with us - you'll get lots of help and ideas on here, so ask away!
Good luck with your veggies.
7 Sep, 2010
And welcome from me too Rachel, sorry for your lose. If you can find seedlings of spring cabbage in your garden centre you can plant those out now. It is too late to sow anything that will crop during winter, but you can get a head start for next spring by sowing broad beans, hardy peas, onion sets, garlic. You could also try sowing lettuce and spinach for a late autumn crop.
Just ask if you aren't sure about anything.
7 Sep, 2010
Rachel, I too would welcome you to GOY and also extend my sympathy to you on the loss of your husband. The adjustment is gradual and I think you will find working with the garden/soil etc. will help you in your healing.
You'll find many like-minded veggie gardeners on here and everyone is so good with advice. I'm a newbie to the site and to gardening so I guess we are both on a learning curve!
Be gentle with yourself.
7 Sep, 2010
Welcome to Goy Rachel. I am sorry to hear of your sorrow in losing your husband. This will be a hard year for you so stick with us and there is always someone on line to help if you get stuck. Moon grower above has been posting blogs on what to grow in the vegetable garden each month according to a centuries old way of gardening by the moon. When we were closer to the soil than we are now that was the natural way of doing things and lots of us have been attempting to follow her lead. Spitz who also lives in Somerset opens her garden under the yellow book scheme and some of our members have met her and other members when they visited the garden. This is a very large community of keen amateurs and some professionals I hope you will enjoy our company over the coming months.
7 Sep, 2010
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Sorry for your loss, RachelB. Fraid I can't help on the veggie front, not my thing, ornamentals more my cup of tea, but I'm sure the others on here will help out with suggestions.
7 Sep, 2010