West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
i picked a plum from my tree and on the plum the tiniest little flowers are growing. there is 11 flowers on numerous stalks all gowing in a bunch the total height is 8mm. the flowers have 3 tiny petals. can anyone give me more information please. thankyou. paul brown. spb@talktalk.net

7 Sep, 2010
Never seen anything remotely like that, Paul.
7 Sep, 2010
may b google it
7 Sep, 2010
they also look like fungal spore cases on filament strands. abit like pin mould on bread. interesting.
7 Sep, 2010
I should have thought of that Sbg. Kudos!
7 Sep, 2010
I thought they looked like fruiting bodies of a tiny fungus too.
8 Sep, 2010
Drat! I've been staring at pictures of molds and blights and rusts untill my eyes feel furry, but I still haven't found anything like it. Doubly frustrating 'cause I seem to remember seeing something like it in college! Oh, well, that was almost 30 years ago anyway.
8 Sep, 2010
i remember the one that had chains of black /white spores and we studied it for genetics too [1977-1980]. That was Sordaria fimicola but grows on herbivore dung. Could be a relative I suppose.
8 Sep, 2010
Many of the slime mold sporangia are evocative, but they don't match exactly, and I have been having a hard time finding names to match the pictures:
is my best result so far.
8 Sep, 2010
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It looks like insect eggs.
7 Sep, 2010