By Dsw
United Kingdom
We have 3 3ft confiers under a window and wondered if they will damage the house even though we keep them short.
7 Sep, 2010
As long as you don't let them go like the 'conifer rage' articles in the papers recently!!!! Have a look at 4 seasons garden blogs . They keep conifers scattered in their garden constantly trimmed. As TG says above you can be in control not your plants.
9 Sep, 2010
Our conifer expert is member Bluespruce, he'd be able to advise on them with great authority, send him a PM, why not.
9 Sep, 2010
As long as you keep them short, there shouldn't be a problem. Religious pruning slows or arrests root growth--one of the things that makes bonsai possible.
7 Sep, 2010