United Kingdom
I have a tuber rose and it has only flowered once in four years, I have devided it, there is plenty of greenery but no blooms, can anyone help?
Asked from the GoYpedia
phormium page
8 Sep, 2010
They need a long, warm growing season, and adequate nutrients to form flowers. In cooler climates they may bloom every other year, as it may take them two seasons to build up adequate energy reserves.
8 Sep, 2010
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By tuber rose I am guessing you mean Tuberose (Polianthes)?
I have grown these bulbs before and they always say that you can only get them to flower once. I think if they are well fed after flowering and given a fully sunny spot outdoors in summer until they die back and given a full dry rest indoors (so frost free) they should flower each year.
8 Sep, 2010