By Dawnsaunt
United Kingdom
Ferns For Damp Part Shade.
I have an area of ground on the woodland edge that is wet - well it has been all winter but if we have lack of rain for weeks in summer it will dry out. I thought appropriate ferns ideal. I’ve read and think groups of these could work -
Athyrium filix fema, Osmunda regalis and Thelpteris paulustris. Has anyone had experience of these ferns or do you have any recommendations for others? Thank you
3 Mar, 2020
Brilliant as ever, thanks Seaburn. I will avoid the Thelypteris then. My soil I guess is quite acidic with the clay and leaf litter. I have matteucia somewhere, not made an impact yet, maybe I need to be patient.
3 Mar, 2020
Really it is always damp here, that is why ferns grow so well in Scotland. Mine just don't dry out. I have to say smaller plants manage to grow from cracks in the wall so they can manage being dry at times.
3 Mar, 2020
Interesting thanks Linda
3 Mar, 2020
Don't forget hart's tongue fern, asplenium scolopendrium.
It would contrast with all the finer foliage of the others, and I find it stands dry spells as well
3 Mar, 2020
Hart's Tongue Fern - Unique in every way. Thrives in damp shade. This one is definitely worth consideration.
3 Mar, 2020
Thanks Andrew, Bathgate
4 Mar, 2020
Check the size at maturity of the Osmundia. It needs lots of space.
I'm growing some Harts Tongue ferns from spores! Its a long slow business but I want lots. (Hundreds grow wild here but its illegal to dig them up...) I think there's a cristate one in cultivation, with a little frilly crest on the end of the frond?
4 Mar, 2020
There is Stera and I have/had one, its a handsome fern. I must go and see if I can find it.
5 Mar, 2020
5 Mar, 2020
Thanks Stera, I like the harts tongue fern too, I’ve found a couple seeded and appeared as gifts, good luck with your growing from spores.
5 Mar, 2020
consider the shuttle cock fern too Matteuccia struthiopteris, it loves damp shade. I have failed several times to get it to work in my garden I suspect I am too alkaline and dry. I've seen 2 of the ones you mention in gardens next to brooks so they should be ideal for you.
Thelypteris paulustris is happy in boggy soil but prefers full sun, so may not cope with dappled shade. [According to the RHS]
3 Mar, 2020