By Fulfloodfox
United Kingdom
I’ve just removed a silver birch as it was too tall for our garden. I’d like to replace it with something a bit smaller (maybe max 5-6 mètres final height). Needs to be wildlife friendly as I’m feeling bad for the bluetits who were all over it yesterday 😞. Will be going near an east facing fence.
7 Mar, 2020
Thanks steragram - nice idea. Also wondered about a Rowan.
7 Mar, 2020
Yes rowen would be a lovely choice, lovely foliage, berries and autumn leaf colour, a small multi stemmed Himalayan birch would look nice, or one of the cotoneaster cornubias that look fantastic when laden with all those red berries.
7 Mar, 2020
I always thought Cornus Kousa Dogwood was an attractive choice. It doesn't get too big - year round interest. Good performer in the garden.
7 Mar, 2020
Amelanchier canadensis would be a good choice. Flowers in Spring, berries in summer and lovely autumn foliage.
7 Mar, 2020
Yes to Amelanchier, or maybe Cercidyphyllum japonica (Katsura tree) which is slim, upright and doesn’t take up much space . . . very attractive small tree.
7 Mar, 2020
Hawthorn or Rowan for wildlife.
7 Mar, 2020
Rowan. You may be lucky enough to get waxwings coming forhe berries!
8 Mar, 2020
I'd also go for Rowan but chose a red or orange berried one. The birds don't seem to take the white and pink berries so readily.
I also have Amelanchier and Hawthorn and the birds really enjoy those berries too. There are some Cotoneasters that form trees rather than shrubs so that's worth looking out for.
8 Mar, 2020
You now need an extension because how are you going to choose from ll these lovelies?
8 Mar, 2020
How about a crab apple on a dwarfing stock? You can find how big various rootstocks grow on line, and then hunt for a supplier.
7 Mar, 2020