United Kingdom
I've received some green coneflower seeds. Can anyone give me any tips for growing?
16 Mar, 2020
Thanks SBG. Do you think a seed tray in a cold frame with a poly bag round it would be a suitable temperature for germination?
16 Mar, 2020
probably a bit cold until April depends on the frosts really. that's not much help is it. a cool bedroom windowsill would work.
17 Mar, 2020
That'll do. Thanks again.
17 Mar, 2020
I've grown green wizard before. I lightly covered the seed with JI no 1 compost and kept them just moist and at about 15c. [in a poly bag] when germination was complete I removed the bag. when the seedlings had a pair of true leaves [4 including the 2 cotyledons, seed leaves] I pricked them out into individual cells. I had those plastic inserts that have 24 cells to a seed tray. When roots come out the bottom I pot them up into more suitable sized pots.
16 Mar, 2020