By Sunbeam
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Pruning clematis- is it too late? My clematis are in a real tangle. It’s been so wet I’ve had to leave pruning them and they now have lots of flower buds. Should I just let them go on growing or what’s best? There are 2 different ones but I think both should have been pruned to low down by now

17 Mar, 2020
if you know which ones they are that will help. but if you don't prune them this year then don't worry you will be able to do it next year.
if you know the names google them and use the RHS pages. Clematis fall into 3 pruning groups.
To be honest even if you prune them incorrectly its rare for the plant to die.
17 Mar, 2020
I haven't been able to prune mine this year either so I am going to let them romp away through all the shrubs and trellises, and enjoy the flowers wherever they decide to romp to.
I will cut them back next year. I've found you can cut a clematis right down to the ground and it will still come back.
17 Mar, 2020
Thank you everyone. They are nelly moser ( the taller one) and rouge cardinal. Another one I have is Siver Moon but that looks neat and tidy and I don’t think it needs heavy pruning does it?
17 Mar, 2020
Nelly Moser is a group 2 this is the rHS advice
Rouge Cardinal is probably a group 3.
Though Rouge cardinal can be treated as a gp 2 or 3.
17 Mar, 2020
Thank you for all the help - much appreciated
17 Mar, 2020
We need to know the variety. I’ve cut back C. Seiboldii to 6” above the ground, but C. Amber needs no pruning (just to give you examples).
17 Mar, 2020