By Sheilabub
United Kingdom
What do I have here? Any ideas appreciated - thanks.

28 Mar, 2020
Yes ragged robin a British native but also a good garden plant [Lychnis flos-cuculi].
28 Mar, 2020
Thank you both so much - it’s good to know! Just a shame that I now don’t have a plant from the crem ... it was definitely a handful of seeds from a lavender plant that I grabbed, so obviously they didn’t germinate, but this is a surprise gift 🙂.
Just remembered - this was a favourite of Steve’s Nan, and they were very fond of each other, so that’s made me smile.
28 Mar, 2020
You are so lucky! And so are the bees, I think Ragged Robin likes moisture and light, yours is quite early flowering.
I haven’t seen one for years.
28 Mar, 2020
Thanks Tess, yes I’m happy to have it 🙂.
28 Mar, 2020
Sheila, my first thought is a wildflower, Ragged Robin (Lychnis).
28 Mar, 2020