By Helpie
I am so excited about planting a wisteria tree . I tried to grow one years ago and finally yanked it out when there were no blooms after 6 years! I tried everything but gave up. Of course then I read that they sometimes takes 7 years to mature. So, I need some help please! I have a sunny spot in zone 4-7' depending on which chart you use. That may have been my problem on the last one, as it didn't get much sun. What I am looking for is a pretty, strong, (enough for some pretty good gusts of wind occasionally) tall support. We are not handy and just want to buy a previously built trellis, or oblisk, or ? I saw an umbrella tree support made in England that was beautiful, but cost prohibitive(over $300 plus shipping). Does anyone have any ideas for me? Helen( my fingers are crossed). Thanks, I hope.
2 Apr, 2020
Please can you clarify: Wisteria can be grown as a freestanding standard on a trunk or it can be trained against a trellis or a wall. Which are you wanting to do?
2 Apr, 2020
Is it in an open aspect or against the house?, if your planting it in the open then you could construct a pergola,arbour structure out of decent rustic poles, and plant a wind break nearby to prevent the prevailing winds, the rustic poles could sit in steel ground supports or slightly burn the ends, this will stop them rotting, as regards the wisteria make sure you buy from a reputable dealer, as if it’s grown from seed it may take for ever to flower if at all, create a framework from its growth and over time keep it to the size you want it and adopt the twice a year pruning method, this will give you plenty of flowers.
2 Apr, 2020