By Sunbeam
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Could this be a self sown clematis? I hope you can spot it in this photo. It’s grown in the middle of a pot of hydrangea and it’s the only plant I think it could be so I’m really excited. I’ve tried to protect it with sticks to climb up but I think it’ll have to stay with the hydrangea at least for now!

15 Apr, 2020
I agree with Sbg it does look like a clematis. The roots will not be too hard to dislodge from among the hydrangea roots if you gently dig around with a hand fork. Just wiggle it a bit and you should be able to get the clematis out without having to dig up the hydrangea. Plant the seedling in a long tom pot and leave it to get on with growing. It could take a few years to reach the flowering stage. Do you have any clems. growing nearby.
15 Apr, 2020
Thank you so much to both of you. Yes there’s 3 different clematis very nearby. There’s not much room between the hydrangea’s “stalks” (or are they branches?) to get a fork in between. If need be could I turn the hydrangea out of its pot temporarily to get at the clematis?
16 Apr, 2020
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Hi, can anyone identify this flower for me please? Many thanks. »
I think it is probably a clematis going by the lower leaves.
If you want to save it, I would be better to remove it now when it is still small.
15 Apr, 2020