United States
how to take care of it
On plant
Pachyphytum bracteosum
9 Sep, 2010
United States
how to take care of it
On plant
Pachyphytum bracteosum
It likes to dry out almost completely between waterings, but so it shrivels. It likes very bright light, including direct sun, indoors. it can also take full sun outdoors, except in very hot areas--like mine--where it will need afternoon shade, or dappled shade. If it is in a pot, feed it lightly every 4th watering indoors, or every month outdoors. If in the ground, feed it something slow acting every fall to improve color and bloom. It can't take much frost, so only leave it outdoors permanently in zone 9b or warmer. If your climate is wet, give it very fast drainage--a good thing to do indoors, too.
9 Sep, 2010