By Namtar
United Kingdom
Last year bought two Hydrangeas. Planted one in my own garden and one in my son's. They seemed to be fairing quite well but they both now look as if they are dead. Is this normal or are they really dead, don't want to dig up in case they're waiting. There is certainly no green on either of them to make me think they are still alive.
18 Apr, 2020
What kind of Hydrangeas? Our macropetala types are actually evergreen(ish), but the paniculata types are mostly still dormant.
Try the scratch test. Scratch a tiny section of bark in a stem. If it is green underneath then the plant is still alive.
18 Apr, 2020
Where you live, it might be a bit early for any signs of growth, but here in the south, our hydrangea macrophyla, the mophead type, are already in full leaf. Have they dried out at the root?
18 Apr, 2020
If it reassures you Namtar, mine are only just coming to life this year! They can be very thirsty plants but don't keep in over watered soil.
18 Apr, 2020
Thanks for all the feed back. Have been waiting for them to sprout but no joy. There is a little green towards the base but the rest of the plants appear to be dead. Will try again this year if any garden centers open.
23 May, 2020
I have a couple hydrangeas in my own garden. They both are budding up quite nicely in sync with everything else. Give it another week or so if you had a cold spell. You should definitely see some sign of growth. They need moist soil & dappled light.
18 Apr, 2020