By Broadhaven
United Kingdom
I have a lot of Fuschias I saved from last year growing nicely in greenhouse. Would it be ok to put them outside during the day to harden off whilst the weather is so warm?
21 Apr, 2020
Hello Bamboo
Yes they are tender varieties. Some of them I’ve had for a number of years. Think I’m getting carried away with all this beautiful weather.
Will take your advice and hang on a good number of weeks.
Thank you
21 Apr, 2020
Yes, it really feels like mid May, not mid April, but don't be fooled!
21 Apr, 2020
Are they tender varieties? If they are,its a little bit early to harden them off now, because they can;'t be left outdoors before end of May (or mid -May if you're in a warmer region of the UK, like the South or west or near the coast)
21 Apr, 2020