By Sebastion
United Kingdom
Hi everyone, can any one tell me is there any hard and fast rules about planting out into the ground fairly small Lobelia, Petunia and Geranium plants as my daughter has just received hers from order book and I think she is a bit overwhelmed by the quantity that's arrived and is trying to fit it in with her hours of work. Your thoughts would be very welcomed. Oh, by the way it's so good to be back, Sebastion, A.K.A. Masie.

7 May, 2020
if they have just arrived and are small plug plants ideally they need potting on and then hardening off [wk to 10 days]by popping them outside during the day then under shelter/shad/garage at night. if frost forecast then under shelter. In east Yorks I don't plant out until end of May.
7 May, 2020
...and what a fantastic photo!...
7 May, 2020
Thanks everyone, much appreciated.
8 May, 2020
It depends on the weather in the area you live. I'd wait until the danger of frost has past, which could be earlier or later depending on how cold the spring is.
7 May, 2020