By Bathgate
New York,
United States
What kind of bird is this? I would expect to see something like this in Florida, but he couldn't care less. He/She is gathering nest material. Something from Jurassic Park? Anybody know?

7 May, 2020
Beautiful! Thank you! Does he realize he's in New York? Can he adapt to NY climate? He's building a nest.
7 May, 2020
From what I've read, they're expanding their breeding range lately. He'll probably migrate back to Florida or the Gulf coast this fall, once the kids can fly.
7 May, 2020
OK good for him. He gets on well with the ducks & swans in the duck pond. Maybe he just couldn't take those Florida summers anymore - like me!
7 May, 2020
Often wished that I could afford to migrate to Minnesota in the summer, like most of my customers! ;)
7 May, 2020
... and miss Ocktoberfest? All that bradtwourst & beer?
7 May, 2020
We have a dandy Oktoberfest celebration here in Phoenix, thank you! Mostly due to all the immigrants from the Midwest that live here. I'll eat the bratwurst, and you can have the beer! :) ;}
8 May, 2020
You can't have bratwurst without the beer. We cook the bratwursts in the beer and then the grill
8 May, 2020
As far as I'm concerned, beer is great for cooking, but I don't like to drink it. Just a personal quirk, I guess.
8 May, 2020
I don't like either - what a party pooper...
8 May, 2020
Hi, that's a Yellow Crowned Night Heron. You will find those in Florida. They seem to not mind being around humans too much.
7 May, 2020