By Amsterdam
United Kingdom
Morning- I have tree knautia macedonica 'Melton Pastels' young plants ready to be planted out in the garden. Do I need to wait until the threat of frosts have passed at end of May before planting out? It says they're hardy perennials but beeing young plants I'm just a bit hesitant.....

8 May, 2020
gosh it does look stretched. as said it needs hardening off . so the in door outdoor hokey cokey for about a week to 10 days is best.
once in the ground they are fully hardy, well for me in E Yorks it is.
8 May, 2020
I will plant them out as I’ve had them over 2 weeks and have been putting them outside taking them inside in the evening so they’re ready to go out.
8 May, 2020
I have this in my garden and is fully hardy, had it about three years now. Would be interested to know what you are planting it next to as its very tall and don’t think I’ve found the best companion plant for it yet?
Though I did like this combination last year.
(I’m not sure how to add a photo in a comment?? will add it as a separate question)
9 May, 2020
Ok thanks Andrea. Need it to fill a large space after having taken a huge tree out and replanted a much smaller one. Am planning to plant them out today and will add a photo once in situ.
9 May, 2020
Will look forward to seeing the photo.😊
9 May, 2020
That is a well grown plant. If it has been grown indoors then it will be necessary to harden it off before planting out. It does not seem to be suffering from being in the pot. If you bought it from a garden centre or nursery and they had it outside then it should be safe to plant it in the garden now.
8 May, 2020