By Mowerman
East Sussex coast,
United Kingdom
The Carpobrotus was only planted two years ago as a single stem and now covers several square metres! No wonder it’s classified as a weed in many countries. The Lampranthus is also in full flower and other semi tender plants are all doing well. We’re only a hundred metres or so from the beach on the south coast and very rarely –if at all- experience even light frosts. On the down side we garden on almost impermeable clay susceptible to flooding so we do have the odd loss due to drowning.

21 May, 2020
Carpobrotus is a serious weed problem in Cornwall too where it is forcing out native plants. I'm not sure if it has been removed from sale in the UK now. I remember reading that the RHS was considering advising on it.
it is so pretty though.
22 May, 2020
It's on the noxious weed list in California. Not so in Arizona, because it doesn't survive in the wild, here, and it's not an agricultural pest. It's still hard to get here, since 90% of our nursery stock is grown in California, and the few local growers show little imagination or botanical savvy.
22 May, 2020
It's beautiful and would be welcome in my garden and not a weed, although it wouldn't thrive in my soil.
22 May, 2020
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Looking pretty, anyway, Mowerman!
I grew up gardening on adobe clay. Whenever I planted any kind of succulent, I worked up the area it was to grow, mixing in coarse sand, and a little compost--just enough to keep it from turning into puddled clay--about 6-12 inches deep. Later, I learned to scratch the lowest inch of mixture into the bottom of the bed, to prevent a sudden change in soil texture, which can stop drainage all by itself.
22 May, 2020