South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Can anybody identify this tree sapling? They pop up allover my tiny garden, both neighbours at one side and behind have fruiting cherry trees, and I have an ornamental blossom one. Could it be any of those?
- 28 May, 2020
if they are popping up all over they will be suckers from the mature trees.
28 May, 2020
Thankyou! They do have popped up in 8 different spots. All no more than 15 feet from the afore mentioned trees :)
28 May, 2020
They are a bit of a pain, I have them from a Greengage and the very old apple trees too. In the lawn I just mow them down, in the garden more of a nuisance!
29 May, 2020
They're pulling out fairly easy and are quite shallow rooted. Another neighbour suggested it could be a beech tree sapling but then cherry seems more right given the amount of them
29 May, 2020
I have a beech tree and that is not a beech leaf.
29 May, 2020
Thanks seaburngirl I didn't think so either.
29 May, 2020
Could it be a cheery, perhaps from a stone?
28 May, 2020