By Roberteden
South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Does anyone know why our outdoor bonsai are attracting lots of ants?
9 Sep, 2010
Where are you keeping your bonsais? Mine are up off the ground on sort-of slatted shelving, so luckily I don't have the ant problem. If you can put them in dishes it might help.
9 Sep, 2010
Check the plants for aphid infestation - this is usually the reason why ants are on plants, they like the honeydew the aphids produce. If present, spray to kill the aphids.
10 Sep, 2010
Previous question
ants like to set-up home in pots which is a problem as their network of tunnels creates rapid drainage leading to root dryness also maples have sweet sap which attracts ants plus they milk greenfly for their honeydew.
9 Sep, 2010