By Jputman
United States
I live in northern pa. we had a couple of really cool nights so I brought my brugmansia inside, since then the leaves are curling , wilting and falling off, what to do?
9 Sep, 2010
Three years ago I lost mine to the 1st lightest frost we had, gutted as it had reached 6'. Anyhow, bought it into the unheated conservatory to over winter. The whole plant just died n dried right back to soil level, thought that was that but still gave it it's chance by not throwing it out & in the Spring new shoots appeared from the base, Hoorah !! Its now back up to 8'. It comes into the conservatory well before it turns cold now & is fine. Do remember all parts are poisonous ( it's Alkaloid ;-( but superb plants.
10 Sep, 2010
Make sure it's getting enough light and water, J. In a warm spot in the house, it can dry out in less than a week.
10 Sep, 2010
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« how invasive is this allium - Allium christophii. I have a very small garden
I guess you weren't quick enough to bring it inside. Just keep it indoors and hope it recovers. Brugmansia are not hardy at all.
9 Sep, 2010