Could anybody tell me where this plant comes from and also the name of it as you can see its almost egg shaped at the bottom and then a thin piece ending with greenery.
By Garden46
United Kingdom
Could anybody tell me where this plant comes from and also the name of it please

10 Sep, 2010
I've no idea what it is but would agree with Louise it needs a bigger pot!
10 Sep, 2010
Ponytail plant from Mexico, aka elephants foot. Cant remember it's latin name but your's is doing really well. I would pot it up next Spring in next size up. A clay pot would suit it's dryish requirements.
10 Sep, 2010
would it need protection in the winter do you think?, people with cordylines lost so many in last years hard winter ( I know its not one of those but as its from Mexico I just wondered)
10 Sep, 2010
Beaucamea recurvata. It can get 2-3 meters tall, but very slowly. The "foot" is for storing water.
10 Sep, 2010
Looks like the pot is too small but I don't think it is. That storage organ at the base of the stem exaggerates it.
I have grown this from seed before and the caudex (swollen base) develops quickly.
10 Sep, 2010
It does best in a pot that is just a little bigger than its foot, but that one is looking a little tight. I'd bump it up about 5 cm.
10 Sep, 2010
Is it 'growing' in that pot ???????
The poor thing looks WAY too big for it, i'm sure its roots must be screaming for help :-//
10 Sep, 2010