By Queenie
United Kingdom
Here are the seeds I found, but have been unable to identify

10 Sep, 2010
can you give us some clues Queenie ie: any possible what, where & when's perhaps ? Love a botanical mystery.
10 Sep, 2010
Sorry bizzyb, you didn't see my previous questions...I picked these up in a cafe garden in Egypt... in March, the tree seemed to have long pods from which these seeds had fallen... but I am worried now that I shouldn't have bought them home or should I try and germinate them????? Tried looking for seeds of Bean Trees which I know grow in this country but can find no seed pics.. get sleuthing for me!
10 Sep, 2010
they remind me of those seen on a tv programme ( maybe coast or one like it)
the seeds had floated onto a west coast beach somewhere all the way across the atlantic ocean -- sorry thats all that I can recall
10 Sep, 2010 gives pictures of the bean pods and dimensions and describe the seed as small flat seeds. Maybe this will help you eliminate this from your search
10 Sep, 2010
Carob seeds are the most likely if they came from a tree with long green pods growing in Egypt.
10 Sep, 2010
Owdb. is probably right - do they smell 'sort of' chocolatey?
10 Sep, 2010
Maybe a new episode of Jack and the Beanstalk about to come out of Surrey!
10 Sep, 2010
Another possibility could be Tamarind seeds they have long pods aswell worth a look on google images
10 Sep, 2010
Our goats used to love carob bean pods... and lots of other things they weren't supposed to eat too!
10 Sep, 2010
Orchid trees (Bauhinia species) have this sort of seeds, but I couldn't ell you which species. Queenie, did the tree have round leaves with a notch in the end?
10 Sep, 2010
I had a look on the net. This Bauhinia rufescens grows in Sudan.Have a look it may be the same one.
11 Sep, 2010
This is so frustrating, many thanks Tug and Scots, I think this is the answer. The Bean Tree - Catalpa has the wrong type of seed, but I cannot find an image of the Bauhinia seed.
After reading all I could find it does seem to be it B.Rufescens I seem to remember a heart shaped leaf with a notch.
Anyway even more exciting, I soaked the seed over 24 hours and I think it's germinated!... there is a little crack in the casing and what looks like a shoot emerging...
Watch this space!
Thanks again for all the sleuthing... much appreciated
12 Sep, 2010
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These are an art form in themselves Queenie. Sorry I have no idea what they are.
10 Sep, 2010