By Bornagain
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
What's been eating my hardy fuchsia? Possibly tom Thumb, not sure. It's not flowered yet, but somethings been having a meal. Nothing alive on the underside. Pic 1 shows underside.

24 Jun, 2020
Well you're a big help lol:-))))
24 Jun, 2020
the way the damage is arranged reminds me of aphid attack on the developing leaves before they unfurled.
24 Jun, 2020
I've seen that kind of damage after a bad infestation of aphids. The holes aren't where something has been chewing, but have torn open as the distorted leaf tries to grow. by the time you see it, the tiny aphids that caused it have been eaten by predators, or may still be hiding in the growing bud, visible only on disection and with a jeweler's loupe.
24 Jun, 2020
Yes sorry just jumping on bandwagon!
24 Jun, 2020
Certainly no sign of aphids now. I don't use chemicals so maybe the birds have removed them. Just not seen this damage before. Thanks all. Amsterdam, not a very exciting answer, just common or garden aphids, now I feel foolish:-))
25 Jun, 2020
Well at least we know now!
25 Jun, 2020
Sorry, Sbg! Writing while you are posting, again!
Bornagain, no need for embarassment. We all need to learn some things the hard way. I'm telling the truth when I tell my customers that I have killed at least one of everything that I know how to grow! :)
25 Jun, 2020
Hi Tug, my life is one long embarrassment lol:-))
25 Jun, 2020
It's caused by thrips. Some of mine have it badly this year. the only remedy I've found is to spray it with a bug killer and then the new leaves will be all right … although the damaged ones will remain deformed.
25 Jun, 2020
Aah thanks Hywel I'll give them a google. I think they attack rose buds too and a few of my rose buds had problems. Well whatever it is causing the problem, I don't like it lol:-)
25 Jun, 2020
Aphids will cause the leaves to curl but this disfiguration is caused by thrips. I have been able to control it on the fuchsias that had it last year but it has turned up on the others now and it's too late to prevent it, but I have sprayed them now. Maybe it's possible for you to get a chemical free spray for them.
Yes I think they do attack rose buds :(
25 Jun, 2020
And the prize goes to .............Hywel!! I've just been doing a tidy up in the garden when I noticed similar damage to my hydrangea Limelight. On closer examination, on the underside of a leaf I found a THRIP . Now I'm not proud of myself, but I killed it. No idea why thrips should be thriving at the moment, never had a problem with them before:-))))
26 Jun, 2020
It could also be a capsid bug they cause that kind of damage too but I couldn't remember their name yesterday :)
26 Jun, 2020
Flippin' eck Hywel, give me the prize back lol! I have had capsid bug damage mainly on geraniums and I don't think it's that. I believe they leave a toxin behind which distorts the flowers also. There I was extolling your answer and you make me look daft now lol:-))
26 Jun, 2020
I'm sorry about that but if you google 'capsid bug damage to fuchsia leaf' and look at the images, you'll see that they look like yours ...
You don't look daft at all :)
26 Jun, 2020
Would be interested to find out as I’ve got the same problem.
24 Jun, 2020