United Kingdom
Are vine weevil attracted to fuchsia? I have just realised that what I thought was a wild flower is actually a self-sown fuchsia. It has suspicious looking nibbles on the edge of the leaves which do look like a weevil has been at it.
26 Jun, 2020
I agree with OB, they seem to find certain plants very tasty, fuchsias in pots are one I've found by bad luck
27 Jun, 2020
This one is in the ground but I’ll dig it up and check for grubs. Thankyou Ob and Grandad.
27 Jun, 2020
I've had my fuschia plants eaten by an elephant hawk moth twice in the past, could be one of those.
27 Jun, 2020
Thanks Camomile. I've never spotted an elephant hawk moth but I'll keep checking.
27 Jun, 2020
My largest and favourite Fuschia became home to five Hawk Moth Caterpillars last year, they stripped it bare in just a couple of days, boy I was angry ,although I did allow them to stay, had never seen any before and they did scare me at first, I know I'm a wuss, didn't like it when they swelled up, upon asking on here and reading up on them I found them fascinating to watch..
I have lost fuschia's in the past without realising the vine weevils were to blame.....
29 Jun, 2020
I think it's lovely to let them pupate and turn into a moth. I'm quite happy to let them eat my fuschias although I've since moved and don't know if they are on the plant I moved with!
2 Jul, 2020
The grubs certainly love the roots, so the adults will have to eat something.
27 Jun, 2020