By Nick6772
United Kingdom
How about putting granulated cat litter beneath my sunflowers to stop slugs and snails, would that work? Prevent them sliding across it?
12 Jul, 2020
Clumping litter could merge into an impervious layer on the soil surface. Old style fired clay litter would be safer.
13 Jul, 2020
I've had good results from sheep wool pellets. Pricey though.
13 Jul, 2020
Would coffee grounds work? Some cafes will give them away if you ask.
13 Jul, 2020
That cat type litter is also used to put on oil, petrol and diesel spills so it would probably suck up all the moisture round your plants too.
14 Jul, 2020
Does it say on the bag what its made of?
12 Jul, 2020