By Amsterdam
United Kingdom
Perennial foxglove? I bought these perennial foxgloves on- line but they didn't look like this last year! Some have flowered this year but some have done nothing. Any idea what's going on?

6 Aug, 2020
It’s certainly a mix of something!
6 Aug, 2020
dont you like it? I think it is fantastic. if you get the chance or desire would you mind collecting some of its seed for me please?
7 Aug, 2020
Ofcourse, will do.
7 Aug, 2020
you are a star thanks.
7 Aug, 2020
It's lovely.
8 Aug, 2020
Previous question
yes it is a foxglove but probably a hybrid between themselves.
the genetics are not that stable so you get some good mixes.
This probably has D ferruginea [rusty foxglove] in its parentage.
6 Aug, 2020