By Afban
United Kingdom
If I dig up a seed tray size area around woodland cyclamen and keep them in the seed tray until I can improve the bed before replacing them, will they survive? will that size also save the seed they'll scatter? when is the best time to do this to a) autumn cyclamen and b) spring cyclamen? will they survive if some get buried under a layer of compost?
11 Sep, 2010
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I have hederafolium & coum in the garden ( Spring & Autumn flowering) A seedling at the one leaf stage will have a small bulb & transplant easily, larger bulbs store well also. The move will be fine as they are tough & a covering of compost is just what the seed needs anyway. I always find you will never get a 'tidy' plant when digging them up as they flop & the leaf stems can break easily but they always recover. They are fascinating in as much that seed pods curl back down to the ground when ripening & it's a race to collect the very sweet sugar coated seeds before the ants get them. Nature sure is clever eh?
12 Sep, 2010