By Davebuchan
United Kingdom
Can anyone confirm that this is a wisteria plant I was told today I was also told it's leathal to pets and to get rid

16 Aug, 2020
It does seem not to have the right growth habit for Wisteria - by now, it should have produced lots of whippy, waving about growths, although I suppose it might not have done as its in a pot.
What did this person who said it was lethal to cats think it was? Certainly, the seedpods and seeds from wisteria are toxic to cats if they chew on them, but then so are many plants typically grown in gardens, and cats don't usually go around eating bits of plant anyway, although they do need grass to eat occasionally.
16 Aug, 2020
Cats normally know what it's OK to eat. I've lived with 12 cats since the 1940s and never had one poison itself so don't worry too much about it. I read that Wisteria is poisonous to cats but not normally lethal, but causes nausea and depression.
You appear to have some lobelia - that is poisonous to cats too, like many other garden plants, but I've never seen a cat try to eat any. Lots of plants are poisonous if eaten.
16 Aug, 2020
It's a rose--note the fused stipules at the base of each compound leaf. Obviously thornless, maybe 'Zephirine Drouhin'?
17 Aug, 2020
Oh, good call Tug - now you've said it, yea, it does look like a thornless rose....
17 Aug, 2020
well it doesn't look like my wisteria at all. but see what others may think.
16 Aug, 2020