By Daisymaybe
Scottish Borders,
United Kingdom
I am going to put some tulips, grape hyacinths and maybe some other bulbs in pots this autumn. The pots are not overly big and I wonder whether it will be best to leave them outside or pop them in the greenhouse, with very occasional watering over winter. The pots are all terracotta and I am assuming they will be ok if we get some frosts. Any advice?
19 Sep, 2020
are they frost proof terracotta? some pots are ok down to -5c. if not then in a greenhouse/coldframe, unheated porch.
19 Sep, 2020
Besides the concern for the pots, the bulbs themselves shoudn't freeze. Better in a cold greenhouse.
20 Sep, 2020
Thanks I will pop them in the greenhouse. Might be safer anyway as I think I have a hedgehog checking my work every night now down at the bottom of the garden!!!
Thanks all.
20 Sep, 2020
Since we don't have hedgehogs here in the States, my ignorance is boundless. I thought hedgehogs only ate bugs, worms, slugs, and the like?
21 Sep, 2020
We don't have hedgehogs here either, but we have raccoons, possums & skunks. The squirrels will dig up the tulip bulbs for a tasty snack, and they'll leave most of the acorns they stashed away so in the spring, my garden becomes the land of a thousand oaks. It happens every year!
21 Sep, 2020
I wonder if your nocturnal 'checker' is a squirrel or a fox. Hedgehogs don't normally disturb pots in my experience.
22 Sep, 2020
I would put the pots in the greenhouse to prevent freezing. Terracotta has a tendency to crack with the freeze and thaw cycle.
19 Sep, 2020