By Sheilabub
United Kingdom
Salvia confusion ... I’ve taken cuttings of S. Amistad and S. uliginosa, but should I take the parent plants under cover too? Bush Salvias Cero Posti and Dyson’s Joy are hardy, but not S. love and wishes apparently. Maybe it depends on their situation?
12 Oct, 2020
Amistad isn't fully hardy in Easy Yorkshire according to my friends who take cuttings and keep them in the conservatory.
12 Oct, 2020
Thanks Owd b and Eileen ... I think I’ll play safe, but glad I can leave S. uliginosa in situ. It was gift from the birds and new to me but very pretty 🙂
12 Oct, 2020
'Amistad' has come through the past two winters here in balmy Berkshire, but I take cuttings as insurance
12 Oct, 2020
Thanks Andrew ... I’m doing the same - it’s so worth keeping.
13 Oct, 2020
My Amistad didn't tolerate the Devon winter two years ago. The following year I took cuttings but slugs demolished them in my coldframe. This year I will only be putting cuttings from plants that don't attract slugs in the coldframe: Dianthus, Hebe and Erysimum. Next year I intend to buy the new salvia which is similar to Amistad but more hardy.
13 Oct, 2020
That’s interesting Merlin. I’d forgotten my Erysimum Jep so will now take cuttings of that too.
13 Oct, 2020
Previous question
S, uliginosa is as tough as they come.
Don't know about Amistad. It was eaten by snails long before it had to face a winter.
12 Oct, 2020